
Should I Remove Grass Around Trees? – Benefits and Methods

Should I Remove Grass Around Trees
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Taking care of our trees is essential for a healthy and thriving environment. One aspect often overlooked is the grass growing around our trees. While it may seem harmless, grass can hinder the health and growth of trees. In this blog, we’ll explore why removing grass around trees can be beneficial and the various methods to achieve this. Let’s dive in and discover how we can give our trees the best possible chance to flourish.

Benefits of Removing Grass Around Trees

Competition for Resources

In nature, resources like water, nutrients, and space are limited. Grass and trees both seek these essential elements and when they grow together, they inevitably compete for them. By removing the grass around the trees, we reduce this competition, allowing the trees to access more of these precious resources. This gives the trees a better chance to grow stronger and healthier.

Root Health

Both grass and tree roots are typically found in the top few inches of soil. When they become densely packed together, the tree roots can’t develop and expand as they should. This stunted growth affects the overall health of the tree. However, removing the grass provides the tree roots with more space to grow and spread out, promoting a healthier root system and, consequently, a healthier tree.

Reduced Maintenance

Mowing and maintaining grass around trees can be pretty challenging. Often, we end up accidentally damaging the tree’s roots or trunk while attempting to trim the grass. Removing the grass simplifies maintenance tasks and makes it easier to care for the trees. This also allows us to focus on providing proper care and attention to the trees themselves.

Methods to Remove Grass Around Trees

A. Shovel Method:

The shovel method is a straightforward way to remove grass around trees effectively. To start:

  • Use a shovel to carefully dig up patches of grass, taking care not to disturb the tree roots.
  • Dig deep enough to remove all the turf, including the roots.
  • Once the grass is gone, apply a layer of mulch around the tree, keeping it a few inches away from the trunk.
  • This helps retain moisture and protect the roots, providing an ideal environment for the tree to thrive.

B. Newspaper Method:

The newspaper method is an eco-friendly way to remove grass around trees without using chemicals:

  • Cut the grass under the tree to an even height.
  • Place several layers of black and white newspapers over the grass, overlapping them as you work your way around the tree. Wet the newspaper layers to weigh them and prevent them from blowing away.
  • Cover the newspaper with mulch.
  • The newspaper blocks light from reaching the grass, causing it to die. As the newspaper decomposes, it enriches the soil with nutrients, benefiting the tree’s growth.

C. Chemical Methods:

Although not the most environmentally friendly option, herbicides can effectively kill grass around trees. However, using these chemicals cautiously and strictly follow the instructions to avoid harming trees or nearby plants is crucial. Chemical methods should be considered a last resort when other methods are not feasible or effective.

Considering the Decision

Before deciding whether to remove grass around trees, consider the specific circumstances and your preferences. Assess the health of the trees, the maintenance requirements, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. If you value healthy, thriving trees and simplified maintenance, removing the grass could be the right choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Benefits of Removing Grass Around Trees?

Removing grass around trees offers several benefits that contribute to the overall health and well-being of the trees:
Reduced Competition for Resources: Grass and trees compete for essential resources such as water, nutrients, and space in the soil. Eliminating the grass gives the trees a better chance to access these vital elements, promoting their healthy growth.
Improved Root Health: Grassroots and tree roots often occupy the same shallow soil layer. When densely packed together, they can hinder each other’s growth. Removing grass provides more space for the tree roots to expand, resulting in more robust and more resilient root systems.
Enhanced Nutrient Availability: When grass is removed, it can be replaced with organic mulch. As the mulch decomposes, it adds nutrients to the soil, enriching it and providing a better environment for the trees to thrive.
Simplified Maintenance: Grass around trees can make maintenance tasks like mowing, trimming, and edging challenging. By eliminating the grass, you reduce the time and effort needed for routine upkeep and focus more on proper tree care.
Reduced Risk of Tree Damage: Overzealous mowing or trimming around trees can accidentally harm the tree’s roots or bark. Removing the grass creates a buffer zone, reducing the risk of damage during routine landscaping activities.

How to Remove Grass Around Trees Without Damaging the Roots?

Removing grass around trees without harming the roots requires a careful and gentle approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Prepare the Area: Remove any debris or obstacles around the tree to provide clear access to the grass.
Use a Shovel: With a sharp shovel, carefully dig around the grass patches, starting from the outer edge and working your way inward. Be mindful not to cut or damage the tree’s roots.
Lift the Grass: Once you’ve dug around the grass patch, gently lift the grass with the shovel. Remove the entire turf, including the grassroots, without pulling on the tree roots.
Apply Mulch: After removing the grass, apply a layer of organic mulch around the tree, keeping it a few inches away from the trunk. Mulch helps retain moisture, suppresses weed growth, and improves soil health.
Water the Area: Give the newly mulched area a good watering to settle the mulch and help it establish contact with the soil.

What is the Best Time of Year to Remove Grass Around Trees?

The best time to remove grass around trees is during the dormant season, which typically falls in late fall or winter. Here’s why:
Less Stress on Trees: During the dormant season, trees are less active, which means they are under less stress when you remove the grass. This reduces the risk of damage to the tree’s roots or overall health.
Optimal Conditions: Cooler temperatures and increased moisture during the dormant season create favourable conditions for newly mulched areas to settle and establish.
Weed Suppression: By removing the grass and applying mulch during the dormant season, you discourage weed growth around the trees, giving them a better chance to thrive in the upcoming growing season.

How Do You Stop Grass from Growing Around Trees?

Preventing grass from growing around trees involves regular maintenance and implementing the following measures:
Mulch: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the tree, extending it a few inches away from the trunk. Mulch not only suppresses weed growth but also helps retain moisture and add nutrients to the soil.
Weed Barrier Fabric: Consider using weed barrier fabric before applying mulch. This fabric blocks sunlight from reaching the soil, preventing weed growth.
Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the area around the trees for any signs of grass or weeds. If any appear, promptly remove them by hand or with appropriate gardening tools.
Herbicides (if necessary): As a last resort, use herbicides specifically formulated to target grass without harming trees. Follow the instructions carefully and apply the herbicide only to the grass you want removed.
Following these practices can create a healthy and weed-free environment for your trees to thrive.


The health and growth of our trees are worth investing time and effort into. Removing grass around trees offers several benefits, including reduced resource competition, improved root health, and simplified maintenance. Whether you choose the shovel or newspaper method, make sure to prioritize the well-being of the trees. With thoughtful care, we can create an environment where our trees can flourish and beautify our surroundings for years.

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